Website Design Glossary
Website design is a major factor in whether visitors to a website stay and look around, or click away.
It includes the internal navigation, the color schema, font selection and a myriad of other considerations.
Natural SEO SEM has compiled many of the website design terms that may be of use to our customers and to our website visitors. We hope you will find them to be of use in better understanding website design and design features.
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Website Design Glossary
Virtual Reality Modeling Language
A programming language allowing 3D effects to be added to HTML documents.
Visible Text
Text on a webpage which is visible to human visitors using a standard browser.
Web Accessibility Initiative. The committee at W3C that ensures that web technologies are accessible to users with disabilities.
A graphic image that serves as a background for a webpage.
Watermark (text or image)
A copyright protection method of inserting a usually faint overlay of an image or text onto images or a document.
Web 1.0
Refers to the first generation of websites on the Internet which tended to be static points of information.
Web 2.0
A platform for content and functionality. This includes allowing multiple users access to dynamic web applications and content, online collaboration, generation and distribution of data and a richer interactive user experience through website applications that enhance ease of use.
Web Applet
A program usually written in Java that can be downloaded and run on the user's computer.
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Natural SEO SEM hopes that you find this Website Design information useful in understanding the Internet - and your place in it.