Website Design Glossary
Website design is a major factor in whether visitors to a website stay and look around, or click away.
It includes the internal navigation, the color schema, font selection and a myriad of other considerations.
Natural SEO SEM has compiled many of the website design terms that may be of use to our customers and to our website visitors. We hope you will find them to be of use in better understanding website design and design features.
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Website Design Glossary
A copy of a dynamic page saved as a static HTML file.
To make an image or text larger or smaller.
The sharpness of the image or browser, usually expressed as dots per inch (printers) or dots per line (browsers). Also refers to the ability of a machine to recognize objects.
Resource Description Framework
RDF. A framework for describing a website's metadata. or the information on a website such as the sitemap, webpage update dates, keywords, and the website's intellectual property rights. It is under the guidance of W3C and relies on XML. It is a major component of knowledge management and the Semantic Web.
To return to the last-saved version of a document, abandoning all changes made since the last time it was saved.
Red Green Blue color coding system. The combination of these three primary colors represent a full visible light color spectrum. It is translatable to the hexadecimal system.
Rich Internet Application. Features such as Flash, which add entertaining features to webpages.
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Natural SEO SEM hopes that you find this Website Design information useful in understanding the Internet - and your place in it.