Website Design Glossary
Website design is a major factor in whether visitors to a website stay and look around, or click away.
It includes the internal navigation, the color schema, font selection and a myriad of other considerations.
Natural SEO SEM has compiled many of the website design terms that may be of use to our customers and to our website visitors. We hope you will find them to be of use in better understanding website design and design features.
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Website Design Glossary
Graphical User Interface. A program that uses icons rather than commands.
Gunning-Fogg Index
A test for readability comprised of number of sentences, total words, percentage of difficult words translated into grade level estimation.
H1 to H6
The types of headings, with one being the most important, six the least.
The smallest amount of space or the narrowest line that is displayed on a webpage and visible to the human eye.
Hallway Page
Most search engines give better rankings to pages they find rather than those that were submitted on their Add URL page. These pages are usually a list of hyperlinks to every website webpage that the webmaster wants to be indexed by the search engines. As a result, the entire website is likely to be indexed quicker, more completely, and with better rankings.
Hanging Indent
The placement of the beginning of the first line of a paragraph to the left of the subsequent lines.
The part of the http request and response sent before the actual content and that contains meta data describing the content.
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Natural SEO SEM hopes that you find this Website Design information useful in understanding the Internet - and your place in it.