Website Design Glossary
Website design is a major factor in whether visitors to a website stay and look around, or click away.
It includes the internal navigation, the color schema, font selection and a myriad of other considerations.
Natural SEO SEM has compiled many of the website design terms that may be of use to our customers and to our website visitors. We hope you will find them to be of use in better understanding website design and design features.
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Website Design Glossary
Content Management System. A software application to store, manage, and format web information.
Represents the four colors used in lithographic printing - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black.
When an affiliate gets to have its own logo and branding on the landing page where they send visitors through their affiliate links.
In topic-based algorithms, links which appear near each other are deemed to be related.
Code Bloat
When a webpage or website is so full of redundant tags, font tags, scripts or other code that it becomes difficult to edit, slow to download or hard for search engines to index.
Compressor-DECompressor. Term for the technology used for compressing and decompressing data.
Cold Fusion
A dynamic webpage server application, used for serving database generated webpages.
A programming language based on standard HTML used to write dynamic webpages. ColdFusion enables users to incorporate live data into dynamically created web pages.
Any material used to describe a product, service or company in support of a marketing or advertising effort.
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Natural SEO SEM hopes that you find this Website Design information useful in understanding the Internet - and your place in it.