Natural SEO and SEM
Google Search Terms
The most important search site for websites using natural seo and natural sem is Google . Why ? Because Google represents almost two-thirds of all direct search inquiries made on the Internet.
For that reason, an understanding of Google - Google Terms - the Google algorithm - and the future direction of Google must be understood.
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Google and Search Terms
Search Engine Algorithm
Search engines rank webpages based on their own sets of criteria, which may differ from other search engines. They may attribute different values of importance to the criteria, but they tend to consider the same factors in general. The program which search engines use to judge these factors and rank webpages in their Search Engine Results Page (SERPs) is called their ranking algorithm. Algorithms are regularly updated to combat spam and Black Hat tactics. As the algorithms change and put more or less importance on certain factors, SEOs do the same. Google’s change in algorithm is termed the Google Dance.
Search Engine Results Page
SERP. Also known as Search Engine Results Position. The listing, in relevance order, of webpages pertaining to a search engine query.
Search Local Listings
A Google search syntax to search local listings, such as entering example - adrian michigan plumber.
Search Popularity
The frequency of the use of a keyword on a search engine.
Search Query
The keywords entered into a search box.
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An important factor in understanding how to optimize your website is to get a handle on the terminology used in Natural SEO and SEM strategy. And much of this strategy is based on the Google algorithm. There are consultants and experts and optimization gurus on the Web aplenty. Hopefully this glossary will assist you in learning some of the terminology so you can assess who IS an expert - and who is just trying to pitch you a scam.
Natural SEO SEM will try to provide you with a sound knowledge base to draw from. Glossaries with terms used in the various aspects of running an internet business. And Google and Search Terms is an important area to examine.
Natural SEO SEM hopes that you find this Google and Search information useful in understanding the Internet, natural SEO and SEM - and how it affects your internet business website.