Natural SEO and SEM
Google Search Terms
The most important search site for websites using natural seo and natural sem is Google . Why ? Because Google represents almost two-thirds of all direct search inquiries made on the Internet.
For that reason, an understanding of Google - Google Terms - the Google algorithm - and the future direction of Google must be understood.
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Google and Search Terms
Google Alerts
Automatic messages for News Search, Web Search, News and Web Search or Google Groups. It is generated when a user requests to be updated with new search results meeting their keyword criteria.
Google Alternative Search
A Google Labs search tool which allows refinement of search results to provide SERPs for Dates, Measurements, Locations and Images.
Google Analytics
Google’s Search Engine Optimization analysis program.
Google App Engine
A way for web developers to deploy web based applications using Google's servers.
Google Apps for Business
Program applications available for businesses to help employees communicate and perform their job. Features include Messaging, Collaboration and Security.
Google Base
A free web service that allows you to publish information, sell items or services, announce events, review products, submit recipes and much more.
Google Blog Search
A search engine for blogs.
Google Blogger
A free service that allows you to create your own customizable blog on Google or on your own website.
Google Blogspot
The domain name for blogs that use Google Blogger. A user blog is a subdomain on Blogspot. The urlpath would be
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An important factor in understanding how to optimize your website is to get a handle on the terminology used in Natural SEO and SEM strategy. And much of this strategy is based on the Google algorithm. There are consultants and experts and optimization gurus on the Web aplenty. Hopefully this glossary will assist you in learning some of the terminology so you can assess who IS an expert - and who is just trying to pitch you a scam.
Natural SEO SEM will try to provide you with a sound knowledge base to draw from. Glossaries with terms used in the various aspects of running an internet business. And Google and Search Terms is an important area to examine.
Natural SEO SEM hopes that you find this Google and Search information useful in understanding the Internet, natural SEO and SEM - and how it affects your internet business website.