Natural SEO SEM Email Glossary
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Email Glossary
Unsolicited Commercial Email. An electronic promotional message sent to a consumer without prior request or consent.
Unsolicited Email
Mails sent for commercial and advertising purpose to a user, without his prior consent, often considered spam.
8 Bit Unicode Transformation Format. A variable-length character encoding for Unicode. It is able to represent any character in Unicode and the initial encoding of byte codes and character assignments for UTF-8 is backwards compatible with ASCII. It is becoming the preferred encoding for email and webpages.
UU Encode
Unix to Unix Encoding. A method of converting a file from binary to ASCII text so it can be sent by email.
Vacation Reply
An autoresponder email that is automatically sent as a reply to the sender of an email message. It comes from the email account whenever an email is received. Some email systems allow users to set up multiple vacation reply messages, selecting which one to reply with based on the user-specified features of the incoming message.
Vertical Publication
A business publication targeted at a single industry.
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Natural SEO SEM hopes that you find this Email Terms Glossary useful in understanding the Internet - and your place in it.