Natural SEO SEM Email Glossary
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Email Glossary
Remote Mailbombing
Subscribing someone to lots of emailing lists and spam without their consent with the intention of filling up their mailbox.
Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. A set of specifications for securing electronic mail using MIME standards.
Search Facility
A feature allowing users to find email messages in organized folders based on specified criteria.
Self-Sending Spam
Unsolicited email that appears like you sent it to yourself.
Signature (email)
A small footer added to the end of an outgoing email message that contains specified text, such as the sender name, email address, website, address, phone number, or a closing message. Typically an option is available to include or exclude one or multiple signatures.
Signature File
A small file created by the user to add at the bottom of their email.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
A standard communication protocol for sending e-mail messages between computers.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Service
Snail Mail
The United States postal system.
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Natural SEO SEM hopes that you find this Email Terms Glossary useful in understanding the Internet - and your place in it.