Natural SEO SEM Email Glossary
Email stands for Electronic Mail. It is probably the most common form of communication on the Web.
Forums, Chat Rooms and Social Media websites are growing in popularity with the Web 2.0 growth. But email remains as an everyday informal method of keeping in touch with your friends, customers and potential customers. In fact, email marketing is often the primary form of marketing that many ecommerce businesses make.
So it is important that a general understanding be gained about email. It could present a great opportunity for you to supplement your Natural SEO and Natural SEM effort.
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Email Glossary
List Washing
Removing an email address from a mailing list after the recipient requests removal or complains to the sender ISP about spam.
The email server managing a discussion list.
Mail Bomb
An email message sent with the intention of crashing the recipient mail server or mail reader by attaching files that are too large for the recipient's mail server.
Mail eXchanger (MX)
A type of DNS record that lets users control email delivery for a domain or subdomain.
Mail Filter
A program that lets users organize email before viewing it with a sort by the sender email address, subject, filesize or date.
Mail From
An authentication step used by InterNIC. The email address that is used to send a modification request is compared to the email addresses that are on file for the entities listed as authorized contacts for the domain name. The mail-from option allows the contact to specify two email addresses, rather than just one, to avoid problems with authentication later if one of the email addresses should change.
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Natural SEO SEM hopes that you find this Email Terms Glossary useful in understanding the Internet - and your place in it.