Natural SEO SEM Email Glossary
Email stands for Electronic Mail. It is probably the most common form of communication on the Web.
Forums, Chat Rooms and Social Media websites are growing in popularity with the Web 2.0 growth. But email remains as an everyday informal method of keeping in touch with your friends, customers and potential customers. In fact, email marketing is often the primary form of marketing that many ecommerce businesses make.
So it is important that a general understanding be gained about email. It could present a great opportunity for you to supplement your Natural SEO and Natural SEM effort.
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Email Glossary
Blind Carbon Copy. A field in your email program that allows sending a copy of the message to a person without the knowledge of the primary recipient or carbon copy recipient. The BCC email address will not appear on the email, and any replies to the email will not be sent to them.
BINary Hexadecimal. A method for converting non-text files into ASCII files to allow for email transmission.
Emails addressed to non-existing accounts to be deleted automatically.
A listing of bad or inappropriate email addresses or websites or spam.
An email message returned to the originator as undeliverable.
Bounce Messages
Emails that are undelivered and returned to the server from where they originated.
Bozo Filter
An email filter that enables users to block out messages from specific individuals. The list of blocked addresses is called a bozo list or kill file. Bozo filters are a way to reduce flames or spam.
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Natural SEO SEM hopes that you find this Email Terms Glossary useful in understanding the Internet - and your place in it.